I've had a lot one request to shoot a video of Jakatar's interior. What's so special about it? Not much. Despite that humble fact, the video is truly amazing crappy. If you can force yourself to watch it until the very end, you may have what it takes to cross an ocean on a really slow sailboat under constant rain.
I was planning on adding a voice-over narration at home. Since Windows Moviemaker doesn't have that feature, I used subtitles and really boring music.
If you can watch this you can watch anything! And please, do not get distracted by all the electronic gadgets.
The sailing community is full of eccentrics, but none like the transient sailor who arrived in Peniche the other day. He walks into town wearing an inflatable life-jacket (crotch strap, harness...the works), sits down at a restaurant, eats a meal very well irrigated with wine and then wobbles back to his boat grinning like mad all harnessed up.
Moving right along. After having been tied up to the dock for about 10 years, the Norwegian tank, Bonanza, sailed motored against the wind headed to Norway. I hear it's cold up there, but Norwegians seem to like live with it...seals do too.
That's Bonanza on the right getting ready to head north. |
A boat parked at the transient dock got me thinking about the classic vs. plastic controversy that usually rages in the community of highly opinionated boat owners. Although the new plastic boats make a lot of sense from a maintenance and simplicity perspective, they just don't cut it when it comes to setting one's wanderlust hormones on fire.
The beauty and the...hmmm...plastic tub facing it. Sophia Loren meets Twiggy. |
My trip to Nazaré is being delayed by weather, ocean conditions (going north with an unreliable transmission), work and other hassles that must be attended to.
And one more thing. The blue stripe on my boat gets very hot in the sun and, as a result, the underlying gelcoat is crazing badly. Ryker brought this to my attention. I must be going blind becaused I never noticed it.
Went to a large Aki hardware store thinking they'd have a huge selection of paints (and they do - interior paints). The smallest can of exterior paint comes in a 5-litre can. Makes sense, right? Who's going to paint a house with 1 litre?